
This page / website / web-app was created because google does not offer a way for me to surface my saved places on maps in a native way. If you have a lot of places like me you want to go to those places or so you would hope but google does not surface those places if you search. You need to purposely look for a saved place. How it works now is that you need to find the saved icon (a Green Marker) if you know where it is but usually, you don`t know that is why you are using maps. So the second step is going to that area but again you might find it or you might not but it will take a long time to do that eitherway. So the third option is just knowing the name and by that point, the feature is kind of useless because you are using the feature to outsource these things... And well, this is why I build this thing, now you go and enjoy.

The way this app work is I could go to a neighborhood go to my app press locate me and it shows me every place saved in that area. If I want to go to a restaurant I press the restaurant Icon get some quick info and go there. I can easily surface the information that I need to go to the places that I have saved. The way I am using my data it will allow me to understand better the information that I had stored on google maps and act on it.
I would consider myself a google maps power-user as you can kind of assume from the paragraph above so when google offerings were not meeting my needs and standards I when out of my way to build that thing that I wanted and needed to better understand all my maps information.

The website is pretty simple.
It has Icons to represent Bars, Restaurants, Japanese Restaurants, Parks / Hiking trails, Museums / Galleries, Clubs / Dance Venues, Cafes, and Places that I would like to travel to.
The data used on these maps came from my saved information from google. Google does not offer clean data or usable actionable data at all so you have clean and structure it manually... it took me 5 days to do so.
It was built using Google Maps API`s, Next, React, Tailwind, and Typescript / Javascript. Pretty over-engineer but πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ.
This Website also works as a PWA or Progressive Web Application so tried it out! Install it on your phone πŸ•ΊπŸ½.

Build by Ronny Coste
Source Code Github
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Last updated 2025